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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
A Coworker With A Bad Habit
Have you ever worked with someone who doesn’t always tell things correctly or truthfully? I was talking with a friend who is having this...
The Condescending Coworker
On a recent trip, my Aunt and I were eating in a restaurant where a young relative of ours was working. Also working in this restaurant...
Make A Difference At Work
There is something to be said when you find what works and when duplicated it produces the same successful result, that you should not to...
Wasting Time At Work
Recently my family took a little cruise together. My husband and I got to the port before the rest of our family members so we had some...
Dreams To Reality Take Determination
“You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the...
Are You True To Your Word?
So often we forget that we are accountable for what we say and do. I hear colleagues say things and make promises with the intention of...
How Does What You Do Affect Those You Meet?
It is Monday, what better way to start your week off than by making the encounters you have awesome for those you meet? It really is very...
Become An Encourager At Work
I am a fan of many different motivational and leadership authors and one of my favorites is John Maxwell. I was re-reading his book “Be...
Do You Want To Be Valued?
“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt, American...
Adding Value To Teammates
ENLARGING: Adding value to teammates is invaluable. “The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When...
Happiness is the Answer
We have the choice to choose how we will live each day. Even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, how we do it...
Make Your Workplace Unforgettable!
There is something to be said when you find what works and when duplicated it produces the same successful result, that you should not ...
Creating Good Karma
A while ago I read an article called 10 tips for better karma at work. Sometimes you can just feel it when you go into a place of...
Why Lie At Work
What Are Employees Looking For?
Often when an employer is looking for a new employee they base their choice on personality, appearance, possibly experience, and their...
Why Don’t People Listen? The Gossiper
This week we are going to look at why people do not want to listen to others and the effects it can have in the workplace.. Julian...
Have You Entered The Gray Zone?
Have you ever done something at work that might be considered in a gray zone? Possibly doing something not totally wrong, but not really...
When You Compromise Your Values
Whether you work for a large corporation with a lot of co-workers or a small business, you should do what is ethically right no matter...
It’s about choices…
Remember it is all about choices…. #howtorespond #choices #makingdecisions #whatismycircumstances #makingchoices
Integrity…. Choosing your thoughts
I had the opportunity to talk with some people who are not happy about what is happening at their place of employment. These employees...
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