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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Earn Respect During Times Of Conflict
“Respect cannot be bought or learned, it must be earned” It would be great if we always could work with people who our personalities...

"How Should You Tell Employees What To Do"
If issues arise and you need to remind them of their tasks you want to handle it in a manner that shows you mean business, but also you...

Coaching A Winning Team
Being a parent of adult children, I thought about what it would have been like if I would have been a reactive parent as my children were...

Even The Smallest Change Can Be Upsetting
I explained that apparently they didn’t make the envelopes that we had been purchasing for the past several years anymore and that these...

Adding Value To You and Your Workplace
1. Do you fully understand your role at work? Now you might think this is a dumb question because you know what you were hired to do, but...

Keeping The Gears Of Leadership Oiled
To effectively lead you need to have a clear direction of where you (and your business) are going so that you may take your employees...

Should Managers Let Employees Struggle?
The Butterfly Story A man found a cocoon for a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several...

Why Employees Resist Change At Work
1. The changes that were being made took the employees out of their comfort zone. They had been so use to doing things one way that it...

Do You Sound Like The Professional That You Are?
Help To Break Bad Habits 4/17/13 #badhabits #officemanagement #slangwordsatwork #soundlikeaprofessional #breakbadlanguagehabits...

When Dealing With Bullies At Work 4/2015 #bulliesatwork #handlingproblemsatworkwithbullys #meancustomers...

The Art Of A Sincere Apology…Hitting The Mark 12/9/13 #CustomerSat #Customerservice #communicationskills...

The Repercussion Of Bad Managers
1. She was promised a raise prior to the company being sold and now she was told by her manager that another employee was being paid too...

Customer Value Equals Customer Satisfaction
In our place of business we have found three key ingredients to keeping our customers happy and coming back and also winning their...

Customer’s With Unrealistic Expectations
I went to the patient and explained what we had done to try to verify her insurance and that she could pay a percentage of today’s...

How To Manage Co-workers That Are Not Pulling Their Load
Do you have co-workers that weigh you and others down by not completing their share of the workload? I know we all have days when we...

When Confronting Your Boss Use Caution
Have you ever been so frustrated with situation at work that involved your boss that you felt you needed to confront them? How did that...

Reasons For Losing Your Best Employees
Here are a few of the top 10 reasons that large companies fail to keep their best talent, the link below is to the article in full, which...

Behavior That Can Cause Workplace Issues
Do you ever feel like you work in a zoo? I am sure many times you may feel like you are working in a zoo, especially...

Three Key Qualities Of An Office Manager
1. Leadership – Having the ability to lead others so that they prosper in their positions with the company. Successful managers raise...

How To Do Employee Reviews
Here are 10 tips for creating and implementing a fair, accurate, and discerning employee review system: Human Resources Employee...
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