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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Team Work Is Great When It Works
Imagine watching a pro-football game and the quarterback calls the play, the team gets set and then the quarterback steps back to throw...

Make People Feel Important
“Everyone has an invisible sign hanging on their neck saying, “Make me feel important.” Never forget this message when working with...

The Foundation of Great Employee Training
My sister who was older got to clean the bathrooms, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to do this “glorious job.” Then the day came...

Giving New Employees A Positive Start
Other employees in the practice also can be struggling with bringing a new person on board. What will they be like? Personalities, skill...

Where Does Your Paycheck Come From?
Here is an example of what happened in our office just last week. A patient came in for her scheduled visit and when our front office...

Customers Remember Good Service
“People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” ~author unknown...

Handling Angry Customers
Even after working in a people service business for many years I still get surprised at the negative things people will say to us when...

Management IQ Test
The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and (allegedly) tells whether you are truly ready for ‘management’. 1. How do you put a...

Greg Blencoe on Good Management Practices
After I watched the video review, I started thinking about why good management practices are so important. And the reason is that they...

How Can You Be A Better Manager?
Continuing education is the key to improving not only your skills but the skills of those you serve. The better you are at being a...

Keep Your Customers Coming Back
Every business person knows the more successful you are at retaining customers/clients the more successful your business will be. The...

Fireworks in the Office; The Angry Employee
Many years ago, 13 to be exact, I had only two employees that worked in our medical office and they happened to be pretty good friends. ...

Conducting Employee Reviews
Is your goal to help your staff members grow and succeed in their career with the company? Do you have pre-planned questions that you...

The Benefits Of Cultivating a Team
These are excellent questions that need to continually be posed to our team on a regular basis so we can continue to improve on the...

It Is All In How You Ask The Question
Many times we ask questions off the top of our head (without much thought put into them) hoping that will lead to the answers we are...

The Opportunity To Work With Gen-Y
As we have talked about many times change is not easy and we are all having to learn a new way to do many of our daily tasks and have new...

Could You Use a Coach or Mentor?
It is almost like I am digging a tunnel to get into to something and at the same time I am throwing dirt on myself. The dirt gets in my...

Understanding Others Opinions
1. They do not agree with what you believe, therefore what they think is wrong 2. They are different from you in some way, therefore they...

Getting To Work On Time
Being chronically late whether it is 3-5 minutes or possibly 10, has a negative reaction not only on your supervisor and/or boss, but...

Becoming A Mentoring Manager
Take for instance the Autocratic management style, not too many people really like working for a dictator, but in some cases with certain...
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