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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Education Of Employees Creates Dedication Of Employees
Statistics show that more employees are now looking to invest back into their jobs and this trend is on the upswing for people to want to...

Building Relationships That Grow Your Business
We each go to work everyday for many different reasons, I hope one of them is that you really enjoy what you do each day enough to look...

Sunday Afternoon Thought…..
As this women spoke about how much she loved her trip she mentioned that she felt like her “time clock” was ticking away too fast and...

Sunday Tip: Stress can kill you!
I knew that stress was not healthy, but after reading about the effects it has on our body, it is really BAD for our us and our longevity...

E-mail Etiquett for the Workplace
There are a couple of good rules to follow when writing business e-mails, first make sure you read through what you have written a couple...

It Is All In How You Ask The Question
Many times we ask questions off the top of our head (without much thought put into them) hoping that will lead to the answers we are...

Tuesday Night Tip: How Clean is Your Desk?
A study done by the University of Arizona reveals some startling facts about how much bacteria is found on workplace desks. The study...

A Bad Communication Habit
Let me explain what mean; you are doing something at work, let’s say talking to a co-working about an issue or problem in the office and...

Are You Walking The Red Carpet At Work?
The first and probably the most important is how you feel about what you do each day at work. Do you look forward to going to work each...

What Happened 100 Years Ago?
I am at a conference this week at Disneyland, California, although this conference is a yearly event for Podiatric Physicians (the 3rd...

Have You Mastered Self-Mastery?
What do you think about when you hear Self-Mastery? I wasn’t real sure, but of course I knew it had to do with one’s self and what you...

Employee PERKS – If you want to keep them coming back…
As an employer you need to be realistic knowing that you will not be able to capture each employee and turn them into a super investor in...

Managing People With Better Questions
Recently I was looking to purchased a new car and wanted to make sure that all of the questions I had would be answered correctly to my...

The Cost of Unhealthly Employees
Many organization are trying to help their employees stay healthier by developing “wellness programs” to educate and inspire employees...

Improve Your Communication Skills With Eye Contact 8/5/14 #communicationskills #connecting #eyecontact #improvelistening

Do You Sound Like The Professional That You Are?
Help To Break Bad Habits 4/17/13 #badhabits #officemanagement #slangwordsatwork #soundlikeaprofessional #breakbadlanguagehabits...

Need A Shot In The Arm?
The fifth item that this article addresses is “understand the patient” you may think….of course I need to understand the patient, but...

Got Time? Make The Most Of It
Wow, what a day….It seemed as though it was never going to end and not only for me but my co-workers felt that same way. It was hardly...

Behind On Your Work? It’s Time to Catch Up
Life in our office has been pretty busy to say the least for the past few months, with the challenges of going to a new electronic...

Who Manages the Office Manager?
Being an office manager myself I know this is an interesting topic for discussion. Usually in an office the manager oversees the staff...
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