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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips

Taking Notes for Better Learning At Work
Whether you are a new employee or a seasoned one, the ability to focus and paying attention is key to becoming a great employee. If you...

Effective Business Marketing
Marketing is a must for any business and medical practices are businesses. There are many ways to market your practice (see link below),...

“A Bad Apology Is Worse Than No Apology
Randy Pausch the author of The Last Lecture, died on July 25th, 2008. If you have never watched the last lecture or read the book I...

Do What You Do So Well….
There is something to be said when you find what works and when duplicated it produces the same successful result, that you should not...

Neat and Tidy, As Walt Always Said
No matter what type of job we have if the public sees us our appearance has influence on the company we work for. It is human nature to...

Thinking Positive to Find Solutions
Metaphysical theorist will tell you that whatever you focus on is the thing that expands. If we think about this and apply it to...

The Stories Our Customers Will Tell
Whether you work in a medical office, grocery store, or restaurant, if the business’ main purpose is to provide a service or product to...

Make Great Stories For Others To Tell
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at a virtual seminar on Customer Care Opportunities, or in my case Patient Care Opportunities....

Looking Forward
Remember it is a choice how you show up each day. You can make a difference in your life and those you encounter ❤️ Happy Holidays to...

Walking The Tightrope
I’m sure you will agree that the past 9 months have been,,, well something that we never thought we would experience. It appears to me...

It Is Still About The Customer Experience
With everything that is going on in our work world during this time, it can be difficult to keep employees engaged with their job tasks...

It May Not Be What It Seems Like
“Sometime when things may seem like they are falling apart, they might actually be falling into place” ~Unknown Today, may be a difficult...

Humor in the Workplace
Right now, our workplace is closed as I am sure many of yours are. I do miss seeing my coworkers and connecting with them, but I know...

5 Questions To Becoming Your Best Self
Almost all businesses depend on people. Many need people to work at the business, or to shop at their business and people to promote and...
Creating a better workplace environment

How Is Your Likeability?
We have all had encounters with businesses that we wondered “how do they keep their doors open?” They had either bad employees, made it...

The Right Words Have Power
The role of the office manager is multifaceted and whether you have a staff of one or fifty, one of the most important qualities that...

Clear The Air During A Heated Conversation
When working with a client recently they expressed they were having some difficulty working with a person whom they outsourced some...

Make Happy Happen
Last week I stopped by our local pet store to pick up a few things for my Boston Terriers. As I was walking up to the register one of...

When You Ask Better Questions, You Will Get Better Answers
“When you ask better questions, you get better answers. This may seem like common sense, but common sense is rarely common practice. When...
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