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Practical Practice Management Blog
Practice Management Topics and Tips
Mistakes Employers Make
I am always surprised when I hear of an employee who does just enough to get by at work. No effort is given to take extra steps to do...
Do You Want To Grow?
This morning, while walking on my treadmill, I was watching a Brendon Burchard video on Youtube on “How to learn faster.” We live in...
Happy Monday At Work!
Happy Monday to you all! Do you know if you asked 100 people if they would be happy at work Monday you would probably get a 50/50 answer...
Life’s Setbacks
Wouldn’t it be great if things always went according to “our” plans? One of my colleagues calls setbacks “stink bombs” and says “that you...
Petty Behavior At Work
I was speaking at a conference this past weekend and one of the business owners expressed concern because her staff members were not...
Wasting Time At Work
Recently my family took a little cruise together. My husband and I got to the port before the rest of our family members so we had some...
How To Keep Your Employees
Surveys have shown that a key factor to having long-term employees is keeping them engaged in their job and the organization as a whole....
Attitude Is A Decision
Maintaining a positive attitude is much easier when your work and those you work with are happy and self-motivated. Often managers will...
Be Ready, Get Organized
A first-rate organizer is never in a hurry. He is never late. He always keeps up his sleeve a margin for the unexpected. ~Arnold Bennett...
Want To Be More Productive?
For the past few days I did not have any new blog posts. The reason for this was my husband and I were spending quality time with family...
A Hard Journey
“Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how...
Lacking Leadership In Your Workplace?
Have you ever worked in a place where the “leadership” was held by someone who was not called to be a Leader? In the workplace there...
Happy Workplace, Happy Employees, Happy Customers
Where do you draw the line when it comes to the responsibility of providing workplace happiness? While there is much proof that...
Employers Want Great Employees
Employers are looking for many different qualities and traits when they are searching for just the right employee to fill a position in...
Top Workplace Challenges
No matter what type of business you work in there are always going to be challenges to face and work through. The more employees the...
Which Plans Do You Do Best?
“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape...
Creating Great Teams
One of my passions is coaching medical practices on how to create an “A+ Team” of their staff members. Teams of any kind, sports, work,...
Look For The Small Successes
I recently had a conversation with an office manager who really seemed to be struggling with the “Glass-half-empty” syndrome. I know...
Workplace Dangers
Training in all aspects of your job is necessary in order to be able to perform to the best of your ability and to meet the expectations...
One Of Life’s Greatest Pleasures
“Giving whether it be of time, labor, affection, advice, gifts, or whatever, is one of life’s greatest pleasures.” ~Rebecca Russell This...
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